Локальне зображення обкладинки
Локальне зображення обкладинки

Christ in the classroom : Adventist approaches to the integration of faith and learning / compiled by Humberto M. Rasi, Vol. 2

Аналітична одиниця: Andrews, Vernon E., Considerations for the Evaluation of Church Music: A Biblical Approach, p. 1 • Bahimba, Phenias, Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development: A Seventh-day Adventist Insight, p. 19 • Clifford, Gerald, The Priorities of Faith: Pervading the Secular Curriculum with the Christian Ethic, p. 35 • Fowler, John M., Building a Christian World View: A Christian Approach to the Study of Philosophy, p. 55 • Hughes, Owen L., Created in the Image of God: A Christian View of Human Personality, p. 75 • Inggs, Neville E., Developing Christian Values in the Adventist College Experience: An Example in the Teaching of History, p. 95 • Kuntaraf, Jonathan, Teaching History from an Adventist Perspective: Some Philosophical and Methodological Concepts, p. 109 • Libato, Adelino T., An Approach Toward In-Servicing of Christian Teachers on the Integration of Faith and Learning, p. 129 • Melgosa, Julian M., Teaching the Culture of Spain with a Christian Mind, p. 159 • Negreli, Valdir, Miguel, José I., Verbal and Non Verbal Teacher Communication in Seventh-day Adventist Education, p. 173 • Nkungula, Tommy, Towards an Understanding of Brain Hemisphericity and Holistic Learning: Implications for Adventist Education, p. 195 • Segovia, Agripino C., Christian Leadership Initiative: A Crucial Factor in School Administration, p. 217 • Soto, Victor, Biblical Eschatology and the Idea of Progress: Implications for the Teaching of History and Religion, p. 237 • Taylor, John W., God, Nature, and Learning: An Integrational Approach, p. 259 • Torres, Saul, Redemptive Teaching: A Framework for the Beginning Educator and Teacher Renewal, p. 279 • Woolford, Orville, Christianity and Science: An Approach for Physics Teachers, p. 299Вторинний автор-особа: Укладач, Rasi, H. M., Humberto M.Мова: англійська.Країна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Вихідні дані: Silver Spring, MD : Institute for Christian Teaching, ©1991Опис: xii,315 p.Класифікація: Анотація: The essays included in this, the second volume in the Christ in the Classroom series, were developed by Seventh-day Adventist college and university teachers and administrators that participated in the Second International Faith and Learning Seminar sponsored by The Institute for Christian Teaching.Наявність бібліографії/покажчика: Includes bibliographical references.Найменування колективу як предметна рубрика: Seventh-day Adventists -- Education Найменування теми як предметна рубрика: Faith development Тип одиниці: Матеріали конференцій
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Includes bibliographical references

The essays included in this, the second volume in the Christ in the Classroom series, were developed by Seventh-day Adventist college and university teachers and administrators that participated in the Second International Faith and Learning Seminar sponsored by The Institute for Christian Teaching

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