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Foundations of the Seventh-Day Adventist message and mission / P. Gerard Damsteegt

Основний автор-особа: Damsteegt, P. G., Автор, P. Gerard Мова: англійська.Країна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Вихідні дані: Michigan : Andrews university press, ©1977Опис: xv, 348 p.ISBN: 0-943872-45-6.Класифікація: Примітки про зміст: PART ONE. THE ORIGINS OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST THEOLOGY OF MISSION Chapter I. THE BACKGROUND FOR THE ORIGINS OF THE THEOLOGY OF MISSION -- 3 A. The Religious Situation in the United States During the Early Part of the 19th Century -- 3 1. General characteristics -- 3 2. Era of good feeling -- 8 3. Era of controversy -- 11 B. The Millerite Apocalyptic-Eschatological Motives for Mission -- 16 1. Hermeneutical principles -- 16 2. The “time of the end” -- 20 -- 21 -- 25 -- 26 3. The time of the Second Advent -- 29 -- 31 -- 35 -- 38 4. The “Midnight Cry” -- 40 5. The Judgment Hour message -- 45 C. The Millerite Attitudes to Other Churches -- 46 1. The Roman Catholic Church -- 46 2. The Protestant churches -- 47 3. Interconfessionalism -- 48 D. The Millerite Concept of World Mission -- 50 1. The interpretation of Mt. 24:14 -- 50 2. The extent of the Millerite world mission -- 53 E. Summary -- 55 CHAPTER II. THE CONTROVERSY AROUND THE MILLERITE APOCALYPTIC-ESCHATOLOGY -- 57 A. The Millerites versus non-Millerite historicists -- 58 B. The Millerites versus those reflecting historical-critical trends -- 63 C. Summary -- 77 CHAPTER III. THE CRISIS OF 1843-44 -- 78 A. Attitudes to Other Churches -- 78 1. Separation from Babylon -- 79 2. The Philadelphian Church -- 84 B. The “Year 1843” -- 84 1. Time calculations -- 84 2. Calculation adjustments -- 89 3. The first disappointment -- 91 C. The Climax of Millerite Missionary Activity -- 93 1. The “10th day of the seventh month” -- 93 2. The “True Midnight Cry” -- 96 3. The second or great disappointment -- 99 D. Summary -- 100 PART TWO. THE FORMATION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST THEOLOGY OF MISSION Chapter iv THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEOLOGY OF MISSION (1844-49) -- 103 A. The Vindication of the Seventh Month Movement -- 104 1. The immediate soteriological-missiological consequences of the Disappointment -- 106 2. The sanctuary theology -- 115 -- 117 -- 122 3. Evaluation of the Seventh Month movement -- 132 4. Summary -- 134 B. The Formation of the Third Angel’s Message -- 135 1. The Seventh-day Sabbath reform movement -- 136 2. The Sabbath and the Advent experience -- 138 -- 138 -- 139 -- 140 3. The sealing message -- 143 4. Summary -- 146 C. The Ecclesiological Self-understanding -- 147 D. The Concept of Mission -- 149 1. The views of E. G. White -- 149 2. Shut-door modifications -- 155 3. Summary -- 163 E. Summary -- 163 CHAPTER V. THE BASIC STRUCTURE OF THE THEOLOGY OF MISSION (1850-74) -- 165 A. The First Angel’s Message -- 165 1. Christ’s high-priestly ministry -- 165 -- 165 -- 168 -- 170 -- 176 2. The identification of the first angel with the angel of Rev. 10 -- 177 3. The first angel and mission -- 177 B. The Second Angel’s Message -- 179 1. The moral fall of Babylon -- 179 2. The evaluation of religious revivalism -- 184 3. Christian unity and cooperation -- 186 4. The second angel and mission -- 189 C. The Mission of the Third Angel’s Message -- 192 1. The central theme of the third angel -- 192 2. The “beast and his image” -- 195 -- 195 -- 196 -- 203 -- 205 3. The final conflict -- 207 -- 208 -- 209 -- 213 4. The wrath of God -- 214 5. The last warning -- 216 6. Health reform -- 221 a. Relationship between religion and health (1848-63) -- 222 i. Spirituality and health -- 223 ii. Eschatology and health -- 225 iii. Mission financing and health -- 227 b. Health reform and the third angel’s message (1863-74) -- 228 i. The integration of health reform -- 229 ii. Eschatological aspects of health reform -- 232 iii. Non-eschatological aspects of health reform -- 234 iv. Mission and health reform -- 236 7. Unity between the third angel’s message and the Sabbath -- 241 8. Relationship between the three angels’messages -- 241 D. The Ecclesiological Self-understanding -- 243 1. The eschatological motifs -- 243 -- 243 -- 244 2. Typological motifs -- 248 -- 248 -- 250 -- 253 3. The SDA Church as a missionary organization -- 254 -- 254 -- 255 E. The Mission of God -- 259 F. Non-Apocalyptic Dimensions -- 263 1. The Imitatio Christi -- 263 2. The light of the world—the salt of the earth -- 264 3. Love -- 266 4. Salvation of others -- 267 5. The parable of the talents -- 267 G. Summary -- 268 CHAPTER VI. TOWARD A WORLD-WIDE MISSION (1850-74) -- 271 A. Developments during 1850-59 -- 271 B. Developments during 1860-74 -- 282 C. Summary -- 292 Conclusion -- 294 Appendices -- 299 Abbreviations -- 312 Selective Bibliography -- 314 Indices -- 335 Анотація: This description of the origins and basic theology of the Seventh-day Adventist church shows how the church has become one of the most widespread Protestant denominations. Damsteegt’s analysis of the Scriptural basis of the church helps to explain its missionary nature..Найменування колективу як предметна рубрика: Seventh-day Adventists Тип одиниці: Книги
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PART ONE. THE ORIGINS OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST THEOLOGY OF MISSION Chapter I. THE BACKGROUND FOR THE ORIGINS OF THE THEOLOGY OF MISSION 3 A. The Religious Situation in the United States During the Early Part of the 19th Century 3 1. General characteristics 3 2. Era of good feeling 8 3. Era of controversy 11 B. The Millerite Apocalyptic-Eschatological Motives for Mission 16 1. Hermeneutical principles 16 2. The “time of the end” 20 a. The end of the 1260 days 21 b. Cosmic signs 25 c. The fall of the Turkish or Ottoman empire 26 3. The time of the Second Advent 29 a. The sanctuary of Dan. 8:14 31 b. The end of the “two thousand and three hundred days” 35 c. The year of the resurrection 38 4. The “Midnight Cry” 40 5. The Judgment Hour message 45 C. The Millerite Attitudes to Other Churches 46 1. The Roman Catholic Church 46 2. The Protestant churches 47 3. Interconfessionalism 48 D. The Millerite Concept of World Mission 50 1. The interpretation of Mt. 24:14 50 2. The extent of the Millerite world mission 53 E. Summary 55 CHAPTER II. THE CONTROVERSY AROUND THE MILLERITE APOCALYPTIC-ESCHATOLOGY 57 A. The Millerites versus non-Millerite historicists 58 B. The Millerites versus those reflecting historical-critical trends 63 C. Summary 77 CHAPTER III. THE CRISIS OF 1843-44 78 A. Attitudes to Other Churches 78 1. Separation from Babylon 79 2. The Philadelphian Church 84 B. The “Year 1843” 84 1. Time calculations 84 2. Calculation adjustments 89 3. The first disappointment 91 C. The Climax of Millerite Missionary Activity 93 1. The “10th day of the seventh month” 93 2. The “True Midnight Cry” 96 3. The second or great disappointment 99 D. Summary 100 PART TWO. THE FORMATION OF THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST THEOLOGY OF MISSION Chapter iv THE EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE THEOLOGY OF MISSION (1844-49) 103 A. The Vindication of the Seventh Month Movement 104 1. The immediate soteriological-missiological consequences of the Disappointment 106 2. The sanctuary theology 115 a. The Bridegroom theme 117 b. New dimensions in soteriology 122 3. Evaluation of the Seventh Month movement 132 4. Summary 134 B. The Formation of the Third Angel’s Message 135 1. The Seventh-day Sabbath reform movement 136 2. The Sabbath and the Advent experience 138 a. The restoration theme 138 b. The Sabbath and the sanctuary theology 139 c. The Sabbath and the third angel’s message 140 3. The sealing message 143 4. Summary 146 C. The Ecclesiological Self-understanding 147 D. The Concept of Mission 149 1. The views of E. G. White 149 2. Shut-door modifications 155 3. Summary 163 E. Summary 163 CHAPTER V. THE BASIC STRUCTURE OF THE THEOLOGY OF MISSION (1850-74) 165 A. The First Angel’s Message 165 1. Christ’s high-priestly ministry 165 a. The pre-Advent judgment and God’s people 165 b. The pre-Advent judgment and the 1335 days 168 c. The pre-Advent judgment and the atonement 170 d. The relational significance of Dan. 8 and 9 176 2. The identification of the first angel with the angel of Rev. 10 177 3. The first angel and mission 177 B. The Second Angel’s Message 179 1. The moral fall of Babylon 179 2. The evaluation of religious revivalism 184 3. Christian unity and cooperation 186 4. The second angel and mission 189 C. The Mission of the Third Angel’s Message 192 1. The central theme of the third angel 192 2. The “beast and his image” 195 a. The beast 195 b. The two-horned beast 196 c. The image of the beast 203 d. The number 666 205 3. The final conflict 207 a. The mark of the beast 208 b. The seal of the living God 209 c. The location of the mark and seal 213 4. The wrath of God 214 5. The last warning 216 6. Health reform 221 a. Relationship between religion and health (1848-63) 222 i. Spirituality and health 223 ii. Eschatology and health 225 iii. Mission financing and health 227 b. Health reform and the third angel’s message (1863-74) 228 i. The integration of health reform 229 ii. Eschatological aspects of health reform 232 iii. Non-eschatological aspects of health reform 234 iv. Mission and health reform 236 7. Unity between the third angel’s message and the Sabbath 241 8. Relationship between the three angels’messages 241 D. The Ecclesiological Self-understanding 243 1. The eschatological motifs 243 a. The Remnant motif 243 b. The Laodicean motif 244 2. Typological motifs 248 a. The Israel motif 248 b. The Elijah motif 250 c. Other typological motifs 253 3. The SDA Church as a missionary organization 254 a. The name “Seventh-day Adventists” 254 b. The organization and its authority 255 E. The Mission of God 259 F. Non-Apocalyptic Dimensions 263 1. The Imitatio Christi 263 2. The light of the world—the salt of the earth 264 3. Love 266 4. Salvation of others 267 5. The parable of the talents 267 G. Summary 268 CHAPTER VI. TOWARD A WORLD-WIDE MISSION (1850-74) 271 A. Developments during 1850-59 271 B. Developments during 1860-74 282 C. Summary 292 Conclusion 294 Appendices 299 Abbreviations 312 Selective Bibliography 314 Indices 335

This description of the origins and basic theology of the Seventh-day Adventist church shows how the church has become one of the most widespread Protestant denominations. Damsteegt’s analysis of the Scriptural basis of the church helps to explain its missionary nature.

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