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Локальне зображення обкладинки

Interpreting scripture : Bible questions and answers / Gerhard Pfandl, editor, Vol. 2

Аналітична одиниця: Richard M. Davidson, Who is the author of the Bible?, P. 1 • Kwabena Donkor, Who decided which books would be included in the Bible?, P. 7 • Peter M. van Bemmelen, Why do some Christians have a larger Bible?, P. 15 • Tarsee Li, How to choose a Bible translation?, P. 25 • Frank M. Hasel, Are there mistakes in the Bible?, P. 33 • Gerhard Pfandl, Is the Bible historically reliable?, P. 43 • P. David Merling, Who wrote the books of the Pentateuch?, P. 53 • Gregory A. King, Did Isaiah write the prophetic book of Isaiah?, P. 59 • Jin Moskala, Did the prophet Daniel write the book of Daniel?, P. 65 • John K. McVay, Why are there four Gospels?, P. 73 • Gerhard Pfandl, Ekkehardt Mueller, How do Seventh-day Adventists interpret Daniel and Revelation?, P. 79 • Gerald A. Klingbeil, Why were some prophecies in the Old Testament not fulfilled?, P. 91 • Winfried Vogel, Why do Christian scholars interpret Scripture in so many different ways?, P. 97 • Gerhard Pfandl, Does Genesis teach that the earth existed in an unformed state prior to the Creation week? Genesis 1:1,, P. 107 • Jin Moskala, What was the light created on the first day of the Creation week? Genesis 1:3, P. 113 • Jin Moskala, Were the Creation days 24-hour days or indefinite periods of time? Genesis 1:5, P. 116 • Randall W. Younker, Are there two contradictory accounts of Creation in Genesis 1 and 2? Genesis 2:4-6, P. 119 • John T. Baldwin, Erno Gyeresi, Can we know where the garden of Eden was located based on the names of rivers? Genesis 2:10-14, P. 124 • Tarsee Li, Why didn't Adam and Eve die immediately? Genesis 2:16, 17, P. 126 • Afolarin Olutunde Ojewole, Is Genesis 3:15 a Messianic prophecy? Genesis 3:15, P. 129 • Michael G. Hasel, Where did Cain get his wife? Genesis 4:17, P. 133 • Donn W. Leatherman, Who where the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men"? Genesis 6:4, P. 135 • Richard M. Davidson, How could every species be preserved on the ark? What about the dinosaurs? Genesis 7:2, P. 138 • Richard M. Davidson, Was the Flood global? Genesis 7:19, 20, P. 142 • Frank M. Hasel, Did the Lord really harden Pharaoh's heart? Exodus 4:21, P. 145 • Martin Probstle, Why did God say the patriarchs did not know Him under the name of Yahweh? Exodus 6:3, P. 148 • Michael G. Hasel, How did two million or more Israelites cross the Red Sea in one night? Exodus 14:21, 22, P. 151 • Martin G. Klingbeil, Does the Lord really change his mind? Exodus 32:14, P. 154 • Jn Moskala, Are the laws regarding clean and unclean animals still relevant? Leviticus 11:1,, P. 157 • Roy E. Gone, What was the role of the scapegoat? Leviticus 16:8-10, P. 162 • Larry L. Lichtenwalter, Does Leviticus 18:22 condemn homosexuality?, P. 165 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Why is the reason given for Sabbath keeping in Deuteronomy 5 different from that given in Exodus 20? Deuteronomy 5:12-15, P. 169 • Lloyd Willis, How can the statement "there shall be no poor among you" be reconciled with "for the poor will never cease to be in the land"? Deuteronomy 15:4, 11, P. 174 • Michael G. Hasel, Why did God order the Israelites to "utterly destroy" the Canaanite nations, including women and children? Deuteronomy 20:16, 17, P. 177 • Richard M. Davidson, Is divorce and remarriage permitted in the Old Testament? Deuteronomy 24:1-4, P. 181 • Gregory A. King, How could Moses have written in advance about his own death? Deuteronomy 34:5-8, P. 185 • Roy E. Gone, Did Joshua really conquer the whole land of Canaan? Joshua 11:23, P. 188 • Miroslav M. Kis, Was God telling Samuel to lie? 1 Samuel 16:2, P. 191 • Grenville J. R. Kent, Did the medium at En-Dor really bring forth Samuel? 1 Samuel 28:13, 14, P. 196 • Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Who incited David to take a census of Israel? 2 Samuel 24:1, P. 201 • Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Araunah or Oman? 2 Samuel 24:16, P. 203 • Martin G. Klingbeil, Did Ahaziah become king in the twelfth or eleventh year of Joram? 2 King 8:25, P. 205 • Gerald A. Klingbeil, How old was Jehoiachin when he became king? 2 Kings 24:8, P. 207 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Does Proverbs 8 refer to Christ? Proverbs 8:22-24, P. 209 • Gerald A. Klingbeil, Does Proverbs 31 allow the drinking of alcoholic beverages? Proverbs 31:6,, P. 213 • Kenneth Mulzac, Does Isaiah 7:14 refer to a virgin or a "young woman"?, P. 216 • Randall W. Younker, Did the Hebrews believe the earth had four "corners?" Isaiah 11:12, P. 218 • Winfried Vogel, Does forever mean everlasting punishment? Isaiah 34:10, P. 220 • Frank M. Hasel, Does the Lord create evil? Isaiah 45:7, P. 223 • Jon K. Paulien, Will there be death in the new earth? Isaiah 65:20, P. 225 • Michael G. Hasel, Is the new covenant in Jeremiah really new? Jeremiah 31:31-34, P. 228 • Michael G. Hasel, Was the prophecy against Tyre actually fulfilled? Ezekiel 26:3, 14, P. 233 • Jin Moskala, Who are Gog and Magog in prophecy? Ezekiel 39:1-6, P. 237 • Gerhard Pfandl, Why should the seven times in Daniel 4 not be interpreted with the year-day principle? Daniel 4:24, 25, P. 240 • Martin Probstle, Does the little horn come out of one of the goat's four horns or from the four winds? Daniel 8:8,, P. 242 • Martin Probstle, Who is the little horn in Daniel 8? Daniel 8:8,, P. 245 • Roy E. Gane, What is the "cleansing of the sancutary" in Daniel 8:14?, P. 249 • Gerhard Pfandl, Are the 2300 evenings and mornings in Daniel 8:14 literal or symbolic days? Daniel 8:14, P. 254 • William H. Shea, What is the relationship between the 2300 evening-mornings of Daniel 8:14 and the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24-26?, P. 258 • Gerhard Pfandl, Who is Michael in Daniel 12:1?, P. 263 • Tom Shepherd, What does Jesus mean when he says we are to be "pefect"? Matthew 5:48, P. 267 • Edwin Reynolds, What is the unpardonable sin? Matthew 12:31, 32, P. 270 • Tom Shepherd, Is Peter the rock on which Jesus built the church? Matthew 16:18, P. 273 • Ranko Stefanovic, Did Jesus give the church the authority to forgive sins? Matthew 16:19, P. 277 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Did Jesus permit divorce and remarriage? Matthew 19:9, P. 280 • Clinton Wahlen, Have the signs in the sun, moon, and stars already happened? Matthew 24:29, P. 285 • Richard M. Davidson, What did Jesus mean by "this generation"? Matthew 24:34, P. 289 • Tom Shepherd, Do the wicked burn forever in hell? Matthew 25:46, P. 293 • Clinton Wahlen, Are the Jews today responsible for the death of Christ? Matthew 27:25, P. 297 • Clinton Wahlen, Did Jesus make all foods clean? Mark 7:18, 19, P. 301 • Leo Ranzolin, Jr., Did Jesus call a woman a "dog"? Mark 7:27, P. 305 • Tom Shepherd, Does the Parable of the rich man and Lazarus teach the immortality of the soul? Luke 16:22, 23, P. 309 • Wilson Paroschi, Did the thief on the cross go to paradise the day he died? Luke 23:43, P. 313 • Tom Shepherd, Has the law of Moses been replaced by the grace of Jesus? John 1:17, P. 316 • Clinton Wahlen, What kind of wine did Jesus make at Cana? John 2:10, P. 321 • A. Ganoune Diop, Why did the Jews accuse Jesus of breaking the Sabbath? John 5:18, P. 324 • Teresa L. Reeve, P. 326 • Roberto Badenas, What is the wrath of God and how is it manifested? Romans 1:18, P. 330 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Does Paul condemn homosexuality as sin? Romans 1:26, 27, P. 334 • Ivan T. Blazen, Does Romans 5:12 teach original sin?, P. 340 • P. Richard Choi, What does Paul mean when he says that we are "not under the law but under grace"? Romans 6:14, P. 343 • Roberto Badenas, In what way is Christ the end of the law? Romans 10:4, P. 347 • Clinton Wahlen, Will all Jews be saved? Romans 11:26, P. 351 • Robert M. Johnston, Does it matter on which day we worship? Romans 14:5, P. 356 • Tom Shepherd, Does Paul teach that all things are lawful for the Christian? 1 Corinthian 6:12, P. 360 • Robert K. Mclver, Is it better to stay single than to get married? 1 Corinthians 7:8,, P. 363 • Robert K. Mclver, Why should women cover their head in church? 1 Corinthians 11:5, P. 366 • Ekkehardt Mueller, What are the tongues in 1 Corinthians? 1 Corinthians 14:2, P. 369 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, What does Paul mean by being "absent from the body and at home with the Lord"? 2 Corinthians 5:8, P. 375 • A. Ganoune Diop, Which law is the tutor that leads us to Christ? Galatians 3:24, 25, P. 378 • Ivan T. Blazen, Did Christ abolish the law at the cross? Ephesians 2:15, P. 381 • Leo Ranzolin, Jr., Are wives to submit to their husbands? Ephesians 5:22, P. 385 • Ron du Preez, Is the seventh-day Sabbath a "shadow of things to come"? Colossians 2:16, 17, P. 391 • P. Richard Choi, What does the apostle mean when he says Jesus had to learn obedience? Hebrews 5:8, P. 398 • John K. McVay, Is forgiveness still available for those who fall away? Hebrews 6:4-6, P. 403 • Ekkehardt Mueller, What is the covenant in Hebrews? Hebrews 8:13, P. 407 • A. Ganoune Diop, Does Hebrew 9:8 refer to the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary?, P. 412 • Pedrito Maynard-Reid, Does James teach righteousness by works? James 2:24, P. 416 • Clinton Wahlen, Who are the "spirits in prison" to whom Christ preached? 1 Peter 3:18-20, P. 418 • Tom Shepherd, Does 1 John 3:9 teach that converted Christians do not sin?, P. 422 • W. Larry Richards, Is the Trinity found in 1 John 5:7, 8?, P. 425 • Kim Papaioannou, Are the evil angels kept in a burning hell? Jude, P. 429 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Who are the 144,00 and the great multitude? Revelation 7:4, P. 433 • Edwin Reynolds, Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11? Revelation 11:3,, P. 438 • S. Quezada Case, What does "the smoke of their torment ascends foreverand ever mean? Revelation 14:11, P. 444 • Ranko Stefanovic, What is "the spirit of prophecy"? Revelation 19:10, P. 447 • Ranko Stefanovic, "Wash their robes" or "do his commandments"? Revelation 22:14, P. 450Альтернативний автор-особа: Редактор, Pfandl, G., 1943-, GerhardМова: англійська.Країна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Відомості про видання: Revised ed.Вихідні дані: Silver Spring, MD : Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, 2017Опис: xxviii, 467 p. : ill.ISBN: 978-0-925675-30-9.Серія: Biblical Research Institute studiesПримітки про зміст: Contributors -- v Dedication -- ix List of pictures, tables, and notes -- xxi Preface -- xxiii Abbreviations -- xxv A. Introductory Questions -- 1 B. Old Testament Questions -- 105 C. New Testament Questions -- 265 Selected Scripture Index -- 455 Subject Index -- 461 Анотація: This volume is written for church members who, at times, struggle with some biblical texts and who would appreciate some assistance. But it also will be useful to pastors and Bible teachers in their respective ministries. We anticipate that it will become a point of reference for any person interested in understanding some of the difficult biblical passages. The answers given are clear and based on Scripture. Whenever possible, historical, archaeological, and religious backgrounds are noted as the writer carefully and perceptively works on the answers to a question. We hope that the answers will stimulate the readers’ interest, leading them to seek a deeper understanding of the particular issue addressed in it. In some cases, the readers may disagree with the answer provided; that is fine. The Bible is too deep to be totally fathomed by anyone or by any group of theologians. What really matters is to spend time praying and studying it as we wait for the return of our Lord..Наявність бібліографії/покажчика: Indexes: p. xxi-xxii, 455-467. Тип одиниці: Книги
Мітки з цієї бібліотеки: Немає міток з цієї бібліотеки для цієї назви. Ввійдіть, щоб додавати мітки.
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Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного Інституту Науковий фонд 22.07 / I-69 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно 41683-012057
Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного Інституту Науковий фонд 22.07 / I-69 (Огляд полиці(Відкривається нижче)) Доступно 41683-012177

Indexes: p. xxi-xxii, 455-467

Contributors v

Dedication ix

List of pictures, tables, and notes xxi

Preface xxiii

Abbreviations xxv

A. Introductory Questions 1

B. Old Testament Questions 105

C. New Testament Questions 265

Selected Scripture Index 455

Subject Index 461

This volume is written for church members who, at times, struggle with some biblical texts and who would appreciate some assistance. But it also will be useful to pastors and Bible teachers in their respective ministries. We anticipate that it will become a point of reference for any person interested in understanding some of the difficult biblical passages. The answers given are clear and based on Scripture. Whenever possible, historical, archaeological, and religious backgrounds are noted as the writer carefully and perceptively works on the answers to a question. We hope that the answers will stimulate the readers’ interest, leading them to seek a deeper understanding of the particular issue addressed in it. In some cases, the readers may disagree with the answer provided; that is fine. The Bible is too deep to be totally fathomed by anyone or by any group of theologians. What really matters is to spend time praying and studying it as we wait for the return of our Lord.

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