286.3.1 / D70
Dolson L. R. V.
The king has come : the Gospel of Matthew / Leo R. Van Dolson. —  ; Boise, Idaho : Review and Herald Publishing Association, ©1989. — 127 p.. — ISBN 0-8163-0861-6
   УДК 286.3.1
   ДКД 226.2/06
   ДКД 226.2/06
   The Book of Matthew is more than just one of the Gospels. In common with the other gospel writers, Matthew exalts and chronicles the life of Jesus. However, it is Matthew who paints the most complete word portrait of Jesus Christ. In that sense alone his Gospel is a unique "work of art." Another very clear distinction is found in the author himself. Matthew had been a hated tax collector—a traitor in the eyes of many Jews. As such, he was almost more of an outsider than the Gentiles. But Matthew met Jesus and everything changed. So almost naturally Matthew wrote his Gospel to the Jewish mind in particular —elevating Christ as Messiah and King.