Words to live by : proverbs / B. Russell Holt

Основной Автор-лицо: Holt, R. B., Russell BartlettЯзык: англійська.Страна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Публикация: Boise, Idaho : Review and Herald Publishing Association, ©1991Описание: 127 p.ISBN:0-8163-1049-1.Серии: Bible bookshelfИндекс Дьюи (ДКД): 242/.5, 20Классификация: Примечания о содержании: 1. First Things First -- 5 2. A Star to Guide the Humble -- 15 3. The Sin God Despises -- 24 4. A Way Out -- 33 5. What You Sow Is What You Reap -- 43 6. Live Within Your Means -- 53 7. Mercy, Justice, and Honesty -- 63 8. Apples of Gold -- 73 9. Speak to the Earth -- 82 10. Like Father, Like Child -- 91 11. Heaven on Earth -- 100 12. Drink From Your Own Spring -- 109 13. To Make a Disciple -- 119 Резюме или реферат:Life. It can be a wearying round of seemingly pointless activity. Or it can be purposeful and full of promise. What makes the difference? According to the ancient book of Proverbs, knowing God and living life in the context of that knowledge is the key. In short, USA-Today-style clarity, Proverbs brings godly wisdom and common sense together. It concludes that life, despite its harsh realities, has meaning and satisfaction when you "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5, NIV). Words to Live By pieces together and explores this timeless masterpiece of wise living that is free to all who "cry aloud for understanding" and "find the knowledge of God" (Proverbs 2:3, 5, NIV).. Тип единицы: Книги
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1. First Things First 5 2. A Star to Guide the Humble 15 3. The Sin God Despises 24 4. A Way Out 33 5. What You Sow Is What You Reap 43 6. Live Within Your Means 53 7. Mercy, Justice, and Honesty 63 8. Apples of Gold 73 9. Speak to the Earth 82 10. Like Father, Like Child 91 11. Heaven on Earth 100 12. Drink From Your Own Spring 109 13. To Make a Disciple 119

Life. It can be a wearying round of seemingly pointless activity. Or it can be purposeful and full of promise. What makes the difference? According to the ancient book of Proverbs, knowing God and living life in the context of that knowledge is the key. In short, USA-Today-style clarity, Proverbs brings godly wisdom and common sense together. It concludes that life, despite its harsh realities, has meaning and satisfaction when you "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5, NIV). Words to Live By pieces together and explores this timeless masterpiece of wise living that is free to all who "cry aloud for understanding" and "find the knowledge of God" (Proverbs 2:3, 5, NIV).

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