The ethics of the New Testament / Wolfgang Schrage ; tran. by David E. Green

Основной Автор-лицо: Schrage, Автор, 1928-, WolfgangЯзык: англійська ; оригинала,німецька.Страна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Публикация: Philadelphia : Fortress Press, ©1988Описание: xiv, 369 p.ISBN:0-8006-0835-6.Резюме или реферат:In an age of uncertainty and drift, reconsideration of New Testament ethics seems especially urgent. The Ethics of the New Testament explores how life was lived in the earliest Christian communities: what were the foundations, the support for, and the criteria and principles for this way of acting and living.. Тип единицы: Книги
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In an age of uncertainty and drift, reconsideration of New Testament ethics seems especially urgent. The Ethics of the New Testament explores how life was lived in the earliest Christian communities: what were the foundations, the support for, and the criteria and principles for this way of acting and living.

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