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Локальне зображення обкладинки

Christ in the classroom : Adventist approaches to the integration of faith and learning / compiled by Humberto M. Rasi, Vol. 8

Аналітична одиниця: Akers, George H., Moon, Robert D., Integrating Learning, Faith, and Practice in Christian Education - Part I, p. 1 • Akers, George H., Moon, Robert D., Integrating Learning, Faith, and Practice in Christian Education - Part II, p. 17 • Akers, George H., "Proper Education", p. 33 • Akers, George H., The Ministry of Teaching: Four Steps Lie Beyond the Transmission of Information, p. 39 • Alexander, Horace, “A Teacher Like God": Integrating Faith and Teacher Education, p. 41 • Altin, Lucio, Christianity and Psychology: A Good Mix?, p. 45 • Werkema, Gordon R., Sending Children to a Christian College, p. 50 • Ford, Dwain L., On the Frontier of Scientific Instruction, p. 54 • Merchant, Marion, The Farther Reaches of the Social Sciences, p. 56 • Augsburger, Daniel, The Christ-Centered Religion Classroom, p. 59 • Taylor, Morris L., Presenting Christ in the Humanities, p. 62 • Beach, B. B., Can a University Be Christian? A Look at Academic Freedom on the Adventist Campus, p. 65 • Bursey, Ernest J., Action in Higher Education: A Case Study from the Gospels, p. 71 • Chace, E. Stanley, Mission Geography, p. 77 • Clausen, Benjamin L., Can Science Explain It All, p. 83 • Cobb, Gene, A Contemporary Role for the Campus Gallery, p. 87 • Coffin, Harold G., The Puzzle of the Petrified Trees, p. 91 • Dent, Joseph F., Jr., Student Governance: Purpose and Practice, p. 97 • Dudley, Roger L., Hernandez, Edwin I., Citizens of Two Worlds: Adventists and Social Responsibility, p. 103 • Fitts, William D., Mark Twain’s Choice: The Pain Behind the Laughter, p. 107 • Geraty, Lawrence T., Reclaiming the Vision of Adventist Education, p. 111 • Hasel, Frank M., Scientific Revolution: An Analysis and Evaluation of Thomas Kuhn’s Concept of Paradigm and Paradigm Change for Theology, p. 115 • Hasel, Frank M., Thomas Kuhn's Revolution: A New Way of Looking at Science, p. 133 • Hawks, Paul N., Using the Bible to Stimulate Critical Thinking, p. 137 • Hill, Barry, Using Curriculum Frameworks to Build Faith in Secondary Students, p. 141 • Hoilette, Newton, The Same Gift: "And...to Some, Pastors and Teachers", p. 145 • Kis, Miroslav M., Teaching Ethics: Why Is It Important? How Should It Be Done?, p. 149 • Knight, George R., Philosophy: The Most Useful of All Subjects, p. 153 • Knight, George R., What Knowledge Is of Most Worth? Adventist Colleges and the Search for Meaning, p. 157 • Knittel, Frank, The Colleges’ Role in Integrating Faith and Learning, p. 161 • Land, Gary, Getting to the Core: Redesigning the General-Education Curriculum, p. 165 • Lockton, Harwood A., Seeing Green: Adventists and the Environment, p. 171 • Manspeaker, Barbara L., Did I Do All I Could? Personal Evangelism for Teachers, p. 175 • McClarty, Wilma, The Bible and 20th-Century Art, p. 181 • McClarty, Wilma, Why Teach the Bible as Literature?, p. 185 • Mitchell, Norman L., Finding the Harmony Between Faith and Science in College Classes, p. 189 • Moncrieff, Scott, Something to Talk About: Ideas for Teaching Literature and Writing, p. 193 • Mutch, G. William, Integrating Faith and Learning in the Physical Sciences, p. 197 • Ness, Bryan, Teaching Elementary and Secondary Students How to Care for the Earth, p. 201 • Norton, Edward M., The Philosophy and Practice of Christian Service, p. 207 • Pearson, Michael, Faith, Reason and Vulnerability, p. 213 • Provonsha, Jack W., Christian Bioethics: Making Rational Choices in Complex Life-Death Issues, p. 217 • Ramos, Rene M., “I Cannot Bury My Talent “: A Look at Mozart on His Bicentennial, p. 221 • Rasi, Humberto M., Fighting on Two Fronts: An Adventist Response to Secularism and Neopantheism, p. 225 • Rasi, Humberto M., Understanding Columbus and His Legacy, p. 231 • Rasi, Sylvia B., Why Don’t You Understand Me? A Look at Cross-Gender Communication, p. 237 • Reid, George W., Building Faith in the College Religion Class, p. 243 • Rice, Richard, When Believers Think, p. 247 • Richardson, Larry K., The Value of Drama, p. 251 • Roth, Ariel A., Catastrophism: Is It Scientific?, p. 255 • Roth, Ariel A., How to Invalidate the Bible, Unconsciously: Some Thoughts on Pluralism about Origins, p. 259 • Sol, Pieter, “I Am but a Stranger Here ": Vincent van Gogh in His Centennial, p. 273 • Staples, Russell L., 7 Felt My Heart Strangely Warmed”: John Wesley and the Seventh-day Adventist Heritage, p. 277 • Teel, Charles, Jr., Mission Stories and the Adventist Future: Fernando and Ana Stahlas a Case Study, p. 281 • Thomas, David A. with Barcenas, Paul F., Chaos: Crucible of Creation, p. 287 • Thomas, Jerry D., "Riding Herd”: Developing Character by Allowing Choices, p. 291 • Walters, James W., The Choice Is Yours: How to Make Ethical Decisions, p. 295 • Walthall, Bill, Integrating Faith and Learning in the College Classroom (Part I): One Teacher’s Discoveries, p. 299 • Walthall, Bill, Integrating Faith and Learning in the College Classroom (Part II): Course Design and Content, p. 303 • Watts, Dorothy Eaton, Involving Children in Worship, p. 307 • Watts, Dorothy Eaton, Motivating Teens for Global Mission, p. 311 • Weiss, Herold, The Apostle Paul: An Intellectual?, p. 315 • Weiss, Violet, Training Up a Child in the Right Way: Stewardship for Adventist Students, p. 319 • White, E. G., Quotations on the Integration of Faith and Learning, p. 333Вторинний автор-особа: Укладач, Rasi, H. M., Humberto M.Мова: англійська.Країна: СПОЛУЧЕНІ ШТАТИ АМЕРИКИ.Вихідні дані: Silver Spring, MD : Institute for Christian Teaching, ©1993Опис: xviii, 341 p.Класифікація: Анотація: This eighth volume in the Christ in the Classroom series contains reprints of valuable articles and documents on the integration of faith and learning, published in Seventh-day Adventist magazines and journals. They represent both a conceptual and an applied approach to the relationship between biblical Christianity and various aspects of contemporary culture. By collecting them in one single volume, we intend to make them more accessible to the growing number of Christian educators interested in this vital subject. In the Appendix, the reader will find two documents relating to theological and academic freedom and accountability voted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and a compilation of relevant quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White prepared by Dr. George H. Akers..Наявність бібліографії/покажчика: Includes bibliographical references.Найменування колективу як предметна рубрика: Seventh-day Adventists -- Education Найменування теми як предметна рубрика: Faith development Тип одиниці: Матеріали конференцій
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Includes bibliographical references

This eighth volume in the Christ in the Classroom series contains reprints of valuable articles and documents on the integration of faith and learning, published in Seventh-day Adventist magazines and journals. They represent both a conceptual and an applied approach to the relationship between biblical Christianity and various aspects of contemporary culture. By collecting them in one single volume, we intend to make them more accessible to the growing number of Christian educators interested in this vital subject. In the Appendix, the reader will find two documents relating to theological and academic freedom and accountability voted by the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, and a compilation of relevant quotations from the writings of Ellen G. White prepared by Dr. George H. Akers.

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