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Interpreting scripture : Bible questions and answers / Gerhard Pfandl, editor, Vol. 2Аналітична одиниця: Richard M. Davidson, Who is the author of the Bible?, P. 1 • Kwabena Donkor, Who decided which books would be included in the Bible?, P. 7 • Peter M. van Bemmelen, Why do some Christians have a larger Bible?, P. 15 • Tarsee Li, How to choose a Bible translation?, P. 25 • Frank M. Hasel, Are there mistakes in the Bible?, P. 33 • Gerhard Pfandl, Is the Bible historically reliable?, P. 43 • P. David Merling, Who wrote the books of the Pentateuch?, P. 53 • Gregory A. King, Did Isaiah write the prophetic book of Isaiah?, P. 59 • Jin Moskala, Did the prophet Daniel write the book of Daniel?, P. 65 • John K. McVay, Why are there four Gospels?, P. 73 • Gerhard Pfandl, Ekkehardt Mueller, How do Seventh-day Adventists interpret Daniel and Revelation?, P. 79 • Gerald A. Klingbeil, Why were some prophecies in the Old Testament not fulfilled?, P. 91 • Winfried Vogel, Why do Christian scholars interpret Scripture in so many different ways?, P. 97 • Gerhard Pfandl, Does Genesis teach that the earth existed in an unformed state prior to the Creation week? Genesis 1:1,, P. 107 • Jin Moskala, What was the light created on the first day of the Creation week? Genesis 1:3, P. 113 • Jin Moskala, Were the Creation days 24-hour days or indefinite periods of time? Genesis 1:5, P. 116 • Randall W. Younker, Are there two contradictory accounts of Creation in Genesis 1 and 2? Genesis 2:4-6, P. 119 • John T. Baldwin, Erno Gyeresi, Can we know where the garden of Eden was located based on the names of rivers? Genesis 2:10-14, P. 124 • Tarsee Li, Why didn't Adam and Eve die immediately? Genesis 2:16, 17, P. 126 • Afolarin Olutunde Ojewole, Is Genesis 3:15 a Messianic prophecy? Genesis 3:15, P. 129 • Michael G. Hasel, Where did Cain get his wife? Genesis 4:17, P. 133 • Donn W. Leatherman, Who where the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men"? Genesis 6:4, P. 135 • Richard M. Davidson, How could every species be preserved on the ark? What about the dinosaurs? Genesis 7:2, P. 138 • Richard M. Davidson, Was the Flood global? Genesis 7:19, 20, P. 142 • Frank M. Hasel, Did the Lord really harden Pharaoh's heart? Exodus 4:21, P. 145 • Martin Probstle, Why did God say the patriarchs did not know Him under the name of Yahweh? Exodus 6:3, P. 148 • Michael G. Hasel, How did two million or more Israelites cross the Red Sea in one night? Exodus 14:21, 22, P. 151 • Martin G. Klingbeil, Does the Lord really change his mind? Exodus 32:14, P. 154 • Jn Moskala, Are the laws regarding clean and unclean animals still relevant? Leviticus 11:1,, P. 157 • Roy E. Gone, What was the role of the scapegoat? Leviticus 16:8-10, P. 162 • Larry L. Lichtenwalter, Does Leviticus 18:22 condemn homosexuality?, P. 165 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Why is the reason given for Sabbath keeping in Deuteronomy 5 different from that given in Exodus 20? Deuteronomy 5:12-15, P. 169 • Lloyd Willis, How can the statement "there shall be no poor among you" be reconciled with "for the poor will never cease to be in the land"? Deuteronomy 15:4, 11, P. 174 • Michael G. Hasel, Why did God order the Israelites to "utterly destroy" the Canaanite nations, including women and children? Deuteronomy 20:16, 17, P. 177 • Richard M. Davidson, Is divorce and remarriage permitted in the Old Testament? Deuteronomy 24:1-4, P. 181 • Gregory A. King, How could Moses have written in advance about his own death? Deuteronomy 34:5-8, P. 185 • Roy E. Gone, Did Joshua really conquer the whole land of Canaan? Joshua 11:23, P. 188 • Miroslav M. Kis, Was God telling Samuel to lie? 1 Samuel 16:2, P. 191 • Grenville J. R. Kent, Did the medium at En-Dor really bring forth Samuel? 1 Samuel 28:13, 14, P. 196 • Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Who incited David to take a census of Israel? 2 Samuel 24:1, P. 201 • Samuel Koranteng-Pipim, Araunah or Oman? 2 Samuel 24:16, P. 203 • Martin G. Klingbeil, Did Ahaziah become king in the twelfth or eleventh year of Joram? 2 King 8:25, P. 205 • Gerald A. Klingbeil, How old was Jehoiachin when he became king? 2 Kings 24:8, P. 207 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Does Proverbs 8 refer to Christ? Proverbs 8:22-24, P. 209 • Gerald A. Klingbeil, Does Proverbs 31 allow the drinking of alcoholic beverages? Proverbs 31:6,, P. 213 • Kenneth Mulzac, Does Isaiah 7:14 refer to a virgin or a "young woman"?, P. 216 • Randall W. Younker, Did the Hebrews believe the earth had four "corners?" Isaiah 11:12, P. 218 • Winfried Vogel, Does forever mean everlasting punishment? Isaiah 34:10, P. 220 • Frank M. Hasel, Does the Lord create evil? Isaiah 45:7, P. 223 • Jon K. Paulien, Will there be death in the new earth? Isaiah 65:20, P. 225 • Michael G. Hasel, Is the new covenant in Jeremiah really new? Jeremiah 31:31-34, P. 228 • Michael G. Hasel, Was the prophecy against Tyre actually fulfilled? Ezekiel 26:3, 14, P. 233 • Jin Moskala, Who are Gog and Magog in prophecy? Ezekiel 39:1-6, P. 237 • Gerhard Pfandl, Why should the seven times in Daniel 4 not be interpreted with the year-day principle? Daniel 4:24, 25, P. 240 • Martin Probstle, Does the little horn come out of one of the goat's four horns or from the four winds? Daniel 8:8,, P. 242 • Martin Probstle, Who is the little horn in Daniel 8? Daniel 8:8,, P. 245 • Roy E. Gane, What is the "cleansing of the sancutary" in Daniel 8:14?, P. 249 • Gerhard Pfandl, Are the 2300 evenings and mornings in Daniel 8:14 literal or symbolic days? Daniel 8:14, P. 254 • William H. Shea, What is the relationship between the 2300 evening-mornings of Daniel 8:14 and the 70 weeks of Daniel 9:24-26?, P. 258 • Gerhard Pfandl, Who is Michael in Daniel 12:1?, P. 263 • Tom Shepherd, What does Jesus mean when he says we are to be "pefect"? Matthew 5:48, P. 267 • Edwin Reynolds, What is the unpardonable sin? Matthew 12:31, 32, P. 270 • Tom Shepherd, Is Peter the rock on which Jesus built the church? Matthew 16:18, P. 273 • Ranko Stefanovic, Did Jesus give the church the authority to forgive sins? Matthew 16:19, P. 277 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Did Jesus permit divorce and remarriage? Matthew 19:9, P. 280 • Clinton Wahlen, Have the signs in the sun, moon, and stars already happened? Matthew 24:29, P. 285 • Richard M. Davidson, What did Jesus mean by "this generation"? Matthew 24:34, P. 289 • Tom Shepherd, Do the wicked burn forever in hell? Matthew 25:46, P. 293 • Clinton Wahlen, Are the Jews today responsible for the death of Christ? Matthew 27:25, P. 297 • Clinton Wahlen, Did Jesus make all foods clean? Mark 7:18, 19, P. 301 • Leo Ranzolin, Jr., Did Jesus call a woman a "dog"? Mark 7:27, P. 305 • Tom Shepherd, Does the Parable of the rich man and Lazarus teach the immortality of the soul? Luke 16:22, 23, P. 309 • Wilson Paroschi, Did the thief on the cross go to paradise the day he died? Luke 23:43, P. 313 • Tom Shepherd, Has the law of Moses been replaced by the grace of Jesus? John 1:17, P. 316 • Clinton Wahlen, What kind of wine did Jesus make at Cana? John 2:10, P. 321 • A. Ganoune Diop, Why did the Jews accuse Jesus of breaking the Sabbath? John 5:18, P. 324 • Teresa L. Reeve, P. 326 • Roberto Badenas, What is the wrath of God and how is it manifested? Romans 1:18, P. 330 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Does Paul condemn homosexuality as sin? Romans 1:26, 27, P. 334 • Ivan T. Blazen, Does Romans 5:12 teach original sin?, P. 340 • P. Richard Choi, What does Paul mean when he says that we are "not under the law but under grace"? Romans 6:14, P. 343 • Roberto Badenas, In what way is Christ the end of the law? Romans 10:4, P. 347 • Clinton Wahlen, Will all Jews be saved? Romans 11:26, P. 351 • Robert M. Johnston, Does it matter on which day we worship? Romans 14:5, P. 356 • Tom Shepherd, Does Paul teach that all things are lawful for the Christian? 1 Corinthian 6:12, P. 360 • Robert K. Mclver, Is it better to stay single than to get married? 1 Corinthians 7:8,, P. 363 • Robert K. Mclver, Why should women cover their head in church? 1 Corinthians 11:5, P. 366 • Ekkehardt Mueller, What are the tongues in 1 Corinthians? 1 Corinthians 14:2, P. 369 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, What does Paul mean by being "absent from the body and at home with the Lord"? 2 Corinthians 5:8, P. 375 • A. Ganoune Diop, Which law is the tutor that leads us to Christ? Galatians 3:24, 25, P. 378 • Ivan T. Blazen, Did Christ abolish the law at the cross? Ephesians 2:15, P. 381 • Leo Ranzolin, Jr., Are wives to submit to their husbands? Ephesians 5:22, P. 385 • Ron du Preez, Is the seventh-day Sabbath a "shadow of things to come"? Colossians 2:16, 17, P. 391 • P. Richard Choi, What does the apostle mean when he says Jesus had to learn obedience? Hebrews 5:8, P. 398 • John K. McVay, Is forgiveness still available for those who fall away? Hebrews 6:4-6, P. 403 • Ekkehardt Mueller, What is the covenant in Hebrews? Hebrews 8:13, P. 407 • A. Ganoune Diop, Does Hebrew 9:8 refer to the Most Holy Place in the heavenly sanctuary?, P. 412 • Pedrito Maynard-Reid, Does James teach righteousness by works? James 2:24, P. 416 • Clinton Wahlen, Who are the "spirits in prison" to whom Christ preached? 1 Peter 3:18-20, P. 418 • Tom Shepherd, Does 1 John 3:9 teach that converted Christians do not sin?, P. 422 • W. Larry Richards, Is the Trinity found in 1 John 5:7, 8?, P. 425 • Kim Papaioannou, Are the evil angels kept in a burning hell? Jude, P. 429 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Who are the 144,00 and the great multitude? Revelation 7:4, P. 433 • Edwin Reynolds, Who are the two witnesses in Revelation 11? Revelation 11:3,, P. 438 • S. Quezada Case, What does "the smoke of their torment ascends foreverand ever mean? Revelation 14:11, P. 444 • Ranko Stefanovic, What is "the spirit of prophecy"? Revelation 19:10, P. 447 • Ranko Stefanovic, "Wash their robes" or "do his commandments"? Revelation 22:14, P. 450Вихідні дані: Silver Spring, MD : Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, 2017Опис: xxviii, 467 p. : ill.Наявність: Доступні примірники: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуШифр зберігання: 22.07 / I-69 (2).

Marriage : biblical and theological aspects / Ekkehardt Mueller, Elias Brasil de Souza, editors, Vol. 1Аналітична одиниця: Ekkehardt Mueller, Foreword, P. xiii • Willie and Elaine Oliver, An Introduction: The Beauty of Marriage, P. 1 • Kwabena Donkor, Chapter 1 The Relevance of Scripture for Contemporary Issues in Marriage and Sexuality, P. 11 • Frank Hasel, Chapter 2 The Biblical Concept of Marriage in the Bible, P. 25 • Corinne Egasse, Chapter 3 Singleness in the New Testament, P. 49 • Roberto Badenas, Chapter 4 Husband and Wife in Marriage: Issues on Gender Roles, P. 73 • Thomas Domanyi, Chapter 5 Sexuality and Marriage from a Theological Perspective, P. 101 • Zoltan Szalos-Farkas, Chapter 6 Spirituality of Human Sexuality: A Theological and Anthropological Perspective, P. 123 • Hans Heinz, Chapter 7 The Problem of Mixed Marriages in 1Corinthians 7:12-16, P. 143 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Chapter 8 On Interfaith Marriages: A Study of 2 Corinthians 6:14, P. 153 • Richard Davidson, Chapter 9 Divorce and Remarriage in the Old Testament, P. 179 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Chapter 10 Divorce and Remarriage in the New Testament, P. 203 • Miroslav Kis and Ekkehardt Mueller, Chapter 11 The Institution of Marriage, P. 249Вихідні дані: Silver Spring, MD : Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, Review and Herald Publishing Association, 2015Опис: xiv, 289 p.Наявність: Доступні примірники: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуШифр зберігання: 265.5 / M33 (1).

Message, mission and unity of the church / Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, editor, Vol. 2Аналітична одиниця: Gerhard Pfandl, Chapter 1. The People of God in the Old Testament, P. 1 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Chapter 2. The Universality of the Church in the New Testament, P. 19 • John McVay, Chapter 3. Biblical Metaphors for the Church: Building Blocks for Ecclesiology, P. 41 • Jin Moskala, Chapter 4. Mission in the Old Testament, P. 61 • Clinton Wahlen, Chapter 5. Mission in the New Testament, P. 81 • Sung Ik Kim, Chapter 6. Missiological Perspectives in the Book of Daniel, P. 105 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Chapter 7. Mission in the Book of Revelation, P. 129 • John W. Reeve, Chapter 8. Understanding Apostasy in the Christian Church, P. 155 • Darius Jankiewieck, Chapter 9. The Sixteenth Century Protestant Reformation and Adventist Ecclesiology, P. 191 • Alberto R. Timm, Chapter 10. Seventh-day Adventist Ecclesiology, 1844-2012 A Brief Historical Overview, P. 219 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Chapter 11. Oneness of the Church in Message and Mission: Its Ground, P. 243 • Fernando Canale, Chapter 12. The Message and the Mission of the Remnant: A Methodological Approach, P. 261 • Kwabena Donkor, Chapter 13. The Role of the Fundamental Beliefs in the Church, P. 287 • Denis Fortin, Chapter 14. The Holy Spirit and the Church, P. 303 • Richard Davidson, Chapter 15. The Role of the Church in the Interpretation of Scripture, P. 323 • Alberto R. Timm, Chapter 16. The Role of Ellen G. White in the Life of the Adventist Church, P. 345 • Ganoune Diop, Chapter 17. Adventist Mission Among World Religions: Some Theological Foundations, P. 361 • Richard Davidson, Chapter 18. Israel and the Church: Continuity and DiscontinuityI, P. 375 • Richard Davidson, Chapter 19. Israel and the Church: Continuity and DiscontinuityII, P. 401 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Chapter 20. World Religions and Salvation: An Adventist View, P. 429 • William G.Johnsson, Chapter 21. Adventist Mission Today: A Personal Reflection, P. 443Вихідні дані: Silver Spring, MD : Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, 2013Опис: xv, 476 p.Наявність: Доступні примірники: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуШифр зберігання: 260.1 / M60 (1).

Understanding scripture : an adventist approach ; George W. Reid, editor, Vol. 1Аналітична одиниця: Timm, Alberto R., 1-14 p., Historical Background of Adventist Biblical Interpretation • Baldwin, John T., 15-26 p., Faith, Reason, and the Holy Spirit in Hermeneutics • Hasel, Frank M., 27-46 p., Presuppositions in the Interpretation of Scripture • Canale, Fernando, 47-74 p., Revelation and Inspiration • van Bemmelen, Peter M., 75-90 p., The Authority of Scripture • Klingbeil, Gerald A., 91-110 p., The Text and Canon of Scripture • Muller, Ekkehardt, 111-134 p., Guidelines for the Interpretation of Scripture • Diop, Ganoune, 135-152 p., Innerbiblical Interpretation: Reading the Scriptures Intertextually • King, Greg A., 153-162 p., Interpreting Old Testament Historical Narrative • Pfandl, Gerhard and Rodriguez, Angel M., 163-182 p., Reading Psalms and the Wisdom Literature • Davidson, Richard M., 183-204 p., Interpreting Old Testament Prophecy • Rice, George E., 205-222 p., Interpretation of the Gospels and Epistles • Shepherd, Tom, 223-244 p., Interpretation of Biblical Types, Parables, and Allegories • Paulien, Jon K., 245-270 p., The Hermeneutics of Biblical Apocalyptic • Caesar, Lael O., 271-284 p., Hermeneutics and Culture • Preez, Ron du, 285-308 p., Interpreting and Applying Biblical Ethics • Pfandl, Gerhard, 309-328 p., Ellen G. White and HermeneuticsВихідні дані: Silver Spring : Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, 2005Опис: xvi, 363 p.Наявність: Доступні примірники: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуШифр зберігання: / (2).

Worship, ministry,and the authority of the church / Ángel Manuel Rodríguez, editor, Vol. 3Аналітична одиниця: Sergio E. Becerra, Chapter 1. Worship and the Magisterial Reformers, P. 5 • Sergio E. Becerra, Chapter 2. Worship in the Sixteenth-Century Anabaptist Reformers, P. 31 • Theodore N. Levterov, Chapter 3. Early Adventist Worship, 1845-1900S, P. 55 • Denis Fortin, Chapter 4. Ellen G. Whites Theology of Worship and Liturgy, P. 81 • Daniel Oscar Plenc, Chapter 5. Toward an Adventist Theology of Worship, P. 103 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Chapter 6. Elements of Adventist Worship: Their Theological Significance, P. 133 • Sung Ik Kim, Chapter 7. Worship in a Postmodern Context, P. 149 • Norman Gulley, Chapter 8. Ordinances of the Church: Baptism, Foot Washing, and the Lord's Supper, P. 179 • Frank Hasel, Chapter 9. The Apostolicity of the Church, P. 211 • Ekkehardt Mueller, Chapter 10. Priesthood of All Believers, P. 225 • Jerry Moon, Jesse Tennison, and Denis Fortin, Chapter 11. Nature, Function, and Authority of the Minister in the Writings of Ellen G. White, P. 243 • Teresa Reeve, Chapter 12. Authority of the Church in the Gospels and Acts, P. 273 • Teresa Reeve, Chapter 13. Authority of the Church in Paul and the Latter Writings of the New Testament, P. 293 • Miroslav Kis, Chapter 14. Authority and Church Discipline, P. 313 • Angel Manuel Rodriguez, Chapter 15. Ecclesiastical Authority: Source, Nature, and Function, P. 327 • Eugene Zaitsev, Chapter 16. Authority and Unity of the Church in Orthodox Theology, P. 361 • Lowell C. Cooper, Chapter 17. Trends and Factors Affecting the Future of the Adventist Ecclesiastical Organization, P. 385Вихідні дані: Silver Spring, MD : Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-Day Adventists, 2016Опис: xiii, 429 p.Наявність: Доступні примірники: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуШифр зберігання: 260.1 / W83 (1).


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