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A. G. Daniells : Shaper of twentieth-century Adventism / Benjamin McArthurPublication: Canada : Pacific Press Publishing Association, ©2015Description: 464 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 27:286.3 / M10 (1).

A refuge from the storm : Revelation 12-22 / Lawrence MaxwellPublication: Boise, Idaho : Review and Herald Publishing Association, ©1989Description: 126 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 286.3.1 / M42 (1).

Матеріали конференцій
Christ in the classroom : Adventist approaches to the integration of faith and learning / compiled by Humberto M. Rasi, Vol. 30Piece-Analytic Level: Aaby, Anthony A., Certainty, infinity, and impossibility: Implications for faith and learning, p. 1 • Choi, Sung Sook, The relationship between diet and intestinal microflora: A biblical perspective, p. 19 • Dovich, Laurel, Our Creator-The master engineer, p. 35 • Kang, Seogsoon, Composition assignments for secondary level students that foster the integration of faith and learning, p. 55 • Lam-Phoon, Sally, The Christian student’s search for God’s will: A counseling perspective for Christian educators, p. 77 • Lee, Tae Eun, Architectural design and spiritual life: Illustrations and parallels, p. 97 • Lee, Kyung Hee, Spiritual lessons in the study of mathematics: A secondary school perspective, p. 111 • Mayboroda, Olena, Information technology: Managerial aspects of the integration of faith and learning, p. 129 • Muller, Heriberto C., Adventist education in the Euro-Asia Division: Present and future, p. 147 • Myung, Ji-won, Holistic education in teacher-student relationships, p. 161 • Sampson, Memory, Understanding moral and social issues in literature: Examples in four British and American novels, p. 177 • Shin, Dong-kyun, Integrating the Bible in the study of English as a second language in a secondary school, p. 197 • Sohn, Aeree, Transtheoretical model as applied to Adventist health behavior change among university students, p. 215 • Stammler, Wolfgang, Holistic student development in a university residence hall: Adventist philosophy and goals, p. 233 • Uyeda, Masaji, The role of divine agencies in Adventist education: An Ellen G. White perspective, p. 249 • So, Woi Sook, A Christian approach to nursing management: A personal application, p. 263 • Wrightman, Caroline M., Understanding demon possession and mental illness: A biblical-Christian perspective, p. 285 • Yoon, Jong Tae, Better understanding of the Bible through mathematical illustrations, p. 301 • Aagaard, Earl, A believer’s approach to the sciences, p. 321 • Aagaard, Earl, A biblical approach to origins, p. 329 • Aagaard, Earl, Integrating faith and learning in the teaching of biology, p. 341 • Beardsley, Lisa, A theology of health, healing and wholeness, p. 351 • Beardsley, Lisa, Fostering creativity and innovation in Adventist education, p. 363 • Beardsley, Lisa, Theories of intelligence, epistemology and the challenge for educators, p. 377 • Taylor, John W., Adventist education in a postmodern world, p. 397Publication: Silver Spring, MD : Institute for Christian Teaching, ©2003Description: IX, 407 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 26:37 / C56 (1).

Матеріали конференцій
Christ in the classroom : Adventist approaches to the integration of faith and learning / compiled by Humberto M. Rasi, Vol. 8Piece-Analytic Level: Akers, George H., Moon, Robert D., Integrating Learning, Faith, and Practice in Christian Education - Part I, p. 1 • Akers, George H., Moon, Robert D., Integrating Learning, Faith, and Practice in Christian Education - Part II, p. 17 • Akers, George H., "Proper Education", p. 33 • Akers, George H., The Ministry of Teaching: Four Steps Lie Beyond the Transmission of Information, p. 39 • Alexander, Horace, “A Teacher Like God": Integrating Faith and Teacher Education, p. 41 • Altin, Lucio, Christianity and Psychology: A Good Mix?, p. 45 • Werkema, Gordon R., Sending Children to a Christian College, p. 50 • Ford, Dwain L., On the Frontier of Scientific Instruction, p. 54 • Merchant, Marion, The Farther Reaches of the Social Sciences, p. 56 • Augsburger, Daniel, The Christ-Centered Religion Classroom, p. 59 • Taylor, Morris L., Presenting Christ in the Humanities, p. 62 • Beach, B. B., Can a University Be Christian? A Look at Academic Freedom on the Adventist Campus, p. 65 • Bursey, Ernest J., Action in Higher Education: A Case Study from the Gospels, p. 71 • Chace, E. Stanley, Mission Geography, p. 77 • Clausen, Benjamin L., Can Science Explain It All, p. 83 • Cobb, Gene, A Contemporary Role for the Campus Gallery, p. 87 • Coffin, Harold G., The Puzzle of the Petrified Trees, p. 91 • Dent, Joseph F., Jr., Student Governance: Purpose and Practice, p. 97 • Dudley, Roger L., Hernandez, Edwin I., Citizens of Two Worlds: Adventists and Social Responsibility, p. 103 • Fitts, William D., Mark Twain’s Choice: The Pain Behind the Laughter, p. 107 • Geraty, Lawrence T., Reclaiming the Vision of Adventist Education, p. 111 • Hasel, Frank M., Scientific Revolution: An Analysis and Evaluation of Thomas Kuhn’s Concept of Paradigm and Paradigm Change for Theology, p. 115 • Hasel, Frank M., Thomas Kuhn's Revolution: A New Way of Looking at Science, p. 133 • Hawks, Paul N., Using the Bible to Stimulate Critical Thinking, p. 137 • Hill, Barry, Using Curriculum Frameworks to Build Faith in Secondary Students, p. 141 • Hoilette, Newton, The Same Gift: " Some, Pastors and Teachers", p. 145 • Kis, Miroslav M., Teaching Ethics: Why Is It Important? How Should It Be Done?, p. 149 • Knight, George R., Philosophy: The Most Useful of All Subjects, p. 153 • Knight, George R., What Knowledge Is of Most Worth? Adventist Colleges and the Search for Meaning, p. 157 • Knittel, Frank, The Colleges’ Role in Integrating Faith and Learning, p. 161 • Land, Gary, Getting to the Core: Redesigning the General-Education Curriculum, p. 165 • Lockton, Harwood A., Seeing Green: Adventists and the Environment, p. 171 • Manspeaker, Barbara L., Did I Do All I Could? Personal Evangelism for Teachers, p. 175 • McClarty, Wilma, The Bible and 20th-Century Art, p. 181 • McClarty, Wilma, Why Teach the Bible as Literature?, p. 185 • Mitchell, Norman L., Finding the Harmony Between Faith and Science in College Classes, p. 189 • Moncrieff, Scott, Something to Talk About: Ideas for Teaching Literature and Writing, p. 193 • Mutch, G. William, Integrating Faith and Learning in the Physical Sciences, p. 197 • Ness, Bryan, Teaching Elementary and Secondary Students How to Care for the Earth, p. 201 • Norton, Edward M., The Philosophy and Practice of Christian Service, p. 207 • Pearson, Michael, Faith, Reason and Vulnerability, p. 213 • Provonsha, Jack W., Christian Bioethics: Making Rational Choices in Complex Life-Death Issues, p. 217 • Ramos, Rene M., “I Cannot Bury My Talent “: A Look at Mozart on His Bicentennial, p. 221 • Rasi, Humberto M., Fighting on Two Fronts: An Adventist Response to Secularism and Neopantheism, p. 225 • Rasi, Humberto M., Understanding Columbus and His Legacy, p. 231 • Rasi, Sylvia B., Why Don’t You Understand Me? A Look at Cross-Gender Communication, p. 237 • Reid, George W., Building Faith in the College Religion Class, p. 243 • Rice, Richard, When Believers Think, p. 247 • Richardson, Larry K., The Value of Drama, p. 251 • Roth, Ariel A., Catastrophism: Is It Scientific?, p. 255 • Roth, Ariel A., How to Invalidate the Bible, Unconsciously: Some Thoughts on Pluralism about Origins, p. 259 • Sol, Pieter, “I Am but a Stranger Here ": Vincent van Gogh in His Centennial, p. 273 • Staples, Russell L., 7 Felt My Heart Strangely Warmed”: John Wesley and the Seventh-day Adventist Heritage, p. 277 • Teel, Charles, Jr., Mission Stories and the Adventist Future: Fernando and Ana Stahlas a Case Study, p. 281 • Thomas, David A. with Barcenas, Paul F., Chaos: Crucible of Creation, p. 287 • Thomas, Jerry D., "Riding Herd”: Developing Character by Allowing Choices, p. 291 • Walters, James W., The Choice Is Yours: How to Make Ethical Decisions, p. 295 • Walthall, Bill, Integrating Faith and Learning in the College Classroom (Part I): One Teacher’s Discoveries, p. 299 • Walthall, Bill, Integrating Faith and Learning in the College Classroom (Part II): Course Design and Content, p. 303 • Watts, Dorothy Eaton, Involving Children in Worship, p. 307 • Watts, Dorothy Eaton, Motivating Teens for Global Mission, p. 311 • Weiss, Herold, The Apostle Paul: An Intellectual?, p. 315 • Weiss, Violet, Training Up a Child in the Right Way: Stewardship for Adventist Students, p. 319 • White, E. G., Quotations on the Integration of Faith and Learning, p. 333Publication: Silver Spring, MD : Institute for Christian Teaching, ©1993Description: xviii, 341 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 26:37 / C56 (1).

Матеріали конференцій
Christ in the classroom : Adventist approaches to the integration of faith and learning / compiled by Humberto M. Rasi, Vol. 39Piece-Analytic Level: Salinas, German Harvey Alterez, Grupos de investigation tecnologica en universidades adventistas: Education y mision, p. 1 • Belia, Emilia Rut, La utilization de argumentos de la teoria de la evolution en la ensenanza del modelo de la Creation, p. 17 • de Gil, Deysi Jakeline Ble, Conociendo a Dios a traves de la anatomia y la fisiologia, p. 39 • Castro, Mayela Cajachagua, La investigation en salud: Una perspectiva biblico-cristiana, p. 55 • Carias, Herbert Roel Cea, Integration de la fe y los valores en la ensenanza de microbiologia, farmacologia y fisiopatologia, p. 77 • Ruiz, Carlos Daniel Corrales, La integration de la fe y los valores en los trabajos académicos de campo relacionados con la naturaleza, p. 97 • Royo, Noemi Duran, Propuesta metodologica para la ensenanza de los origenes en las iglesias y en las escuelas adventistas, p. 117 • Olivares, Luciano U. Gonzalez, El numero aureo como la firma de Dios en la naturaleza, p. 137 • Mas, Noemi Lopez, La ensenanza del cuidado de la naturaleza: Un compromiso cristiano, p. 157 • Mateo, Maria Isabel, La doctrina biblica de la creation en la ensenanza del ingles, p. 177 • Madero, Miguel Angel Panti, Estrategias activas para la ensenanza de creacionismo, p. 215 • Rodriguez, Juan Carlos Pulleiro, Aplicacion de la teoria del Diseno Inteligente en la ensenanza del origen y funcionamiento del universo, p. 229 • Valladares, Victor Hugo Solis, Integracion de la fe y el uso de las analogias en la ensenanza de la biologia celular, p. 245 • Atalaya, Maria Vallejos, El cristiano y la investigacion: Motivos, objetivos y valores, p. 263 • de Torreblanca, Silvia Schimpf, El concepto de los origenes en los colegios adventistas: Como lograr el cambio conceptual, p. 283 • de Torreblanca, Silvia Schimpf, La ensehanza de la sexualidad en el contexto de los valores cristianos, p. 303 • de Torreblanca, Silvia Schimpf, La ensenanza de la sexualidad en el contexto de los valores cristianos: Dos experiencias practicas, p. 321Publication: Silver Spring, MD : Institute for Christian Teaching, ©2016Description: ix, 337 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 26:37 / C56 (1).

Матеріали конференцій
Christ in the classroom : Adventist approaches to the integration of faith and learning / compiled by Humberto M. Rasi, Vol. 2Piece-Analytic Level: Andrews, Vernon E., Considerations for the Evaluation of Church Music: A Biblical Approach, p. 1 • Bahimba, Phenias, Kohlberg’s Theory of Moral Development: A Seventh-day Adventist Insight, p. 19 • Clifford, Gerald, The Priorities of Faith: Pervading the Secular Curriculum with the Christian Ethic, p. 35 • Fowler, John M., Building a Christian World View: A Christian Approach to the Study of Philosophy, p. 55 • Hughes, Owen L., Created in the Image of God: A Christian View of Human Personality, p. 75 • Inggs, Neville E., Developing Christian Values in the Adventist College Experience: An Example in the Teaching of History, p. 95 • Kuntaraf, Jonathan, Teaching History from an Adventist Perspective: Some Philosophical and Methodological Concepts, p. 109 • Libato, Adelino T., An Approach Toward In-Servicing of Christian Teachers on the Integration of Faith and Learning, p. 129 • Melgosa, Julian M., Teaching the Culture of Spain with a Christian Mind, p. 159 • Negreli, Valdir, Miguel, José I., Verbal and Non Verbal Teacher Communication in Seventh-day Adventist Education, p. 173 • Nkungula, Tommy, Towards an Understanding of Brain Hemisphericity and Holistic Learning: Implications for Adventist Education, p. 195 • Segovia, Agripino C., Christian Leadership Initiative: A Crucial Factor in School Administration, p. 217 • Soto, Victor, Biblical Eschatology and the Idea of Progress: Implications for the Teaching of History and Religion, p. 237 • Taylor, John W., God, Nature, and Learning: An Integrational Approach, p. 259 • Torres, Saul, Redemptive Teaching: A Framework for the Beginning Educator and Teacher Renewal, p. 279 • Woolford, Orville, Christianity and Science: An Approach for Physics Teachers, p. 299Publication: Silver Spring, MD : Institute for Christian Teaching, ©1991Description: xii,315 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 26:37 / C56 (1).

Матеріали конференцій
Christ in the classroom : Adventist approaches to the integration of faith and learning / compiled by Humberto M. Rasi, Vol. 14Piece-Analytic Level: Blikshavn, Nina, Follow the boy to school: The role of a Christian teacher today, from a historic perspective, p. 1 • Bocaneanu, Adrian-Mircea, Falling in love and premarital sexual morality: Some scientific perspectives, p. 19 • Boughman, Larry W., Campus beautification: A factor in integration of faith and learning, p. 39 • Brown, Jeffrey O., Towards an integrated philosophy of student counseling in Seventh-day Adventist colleges and universities, p. 59 • Casey, Barry. L., Are there any questions? Strategies for the journey of faith, p. 79 • de Rond, Mark, Fettucine Alfredo: A core competence for Adventist business education, p. 93 • Gaikwad, Samuel M., The integration of faith and learning in a teacher education program: A pilot program at Spicer Memorial College, p. 113 • Greenwalt, Glen G., The eternal horizon: The role of faith in every act of learning, p. 129 • Higgens, Deborah, Allegory in C. S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: A window to the gospel of John, p. 147 • Howe, Vernon, Chaos: A new mathematical paradigm, p. 165 • Howe, Vernon, The growing good of the world: Personal and corporate redemption in three Victorian novelists, p. 183 • Jolliffe, Ronald L., Valuing vision and voice: Aesthetics and spirituality, p. 201 • Lebedeva, Tatyana, Christian education in Russia: Past and present, p. 221 • Lienard, Jean-Luc, God in the college science classroom: Challenges and opportunities, p. 239 • Lilienthal, Elfi, Towards a new model for an Adventist secondary school: the case of Marienhoehe (Germany), p. 257 • Martin, Jean-Michel, The concept of God among Adventist elementary and secondary students: Findings and implications, p. 269 • McGarrell, Shirley, Faith and fiction: An inspiring dilemma for Seventh-day Adventist teachers of literature, p. 289 • Nwosu, Constance C., Integration of faith and learning: An implementation model for Adventist educational institutions, p. 309 • Rogers, Lynden J., Through modern physics towards a structure for causality, p. 329 • Rumble, Beverly J., The use of human subjects in research at Adventist colleges and universities: Suggested guidelines, p. 341 • Saxby, Gayle L., Symbolic models: Stories as life resources for medical student, p. 361 • Szilvasi, Jozsef, Introduction to theology: An experimental course at the Hungarian Adventist Seminary, p. 377 • Wolfer, James, A Christian perspective on the study of computational intelligence, p. 391 • Zuill, Henry A., Expanding the garden: A Christian’s view of nature, p. 409Publication: Silver Spring, MD : Institute for Christian Teaching, ©1994Description: xxvii, 427 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 26:37 / C56 (1).

Матеріали конференцій
Christ in the classroom : Adventist approaches to the integration of faith and learning / compiled by Humberto M. Rasi, Vol. 40Piece-Analytic Level: Adil, Jimmy Jiamah V., Instilling Christian Virtues in Advising Student Researchers, p.1 • Bairagee, Robert Bikash , The Selection and Implementation of Co-curricular Activities in an Adventist School, p.17 • Baloyo, Virginia P., The Odyssey and the Migrant Workers’ Experience: A Fresh look at an Ancient Saga, p.35 • Butera, Edison, Teaching Entrepreneurship in Christian Perspective, p.53 • Coetzee, Elainie , A Study of Students’ Philosophies of Life with a View to Introducing Bible-based Christian Philosophy, p.69 • Dada, Samuel O., Integrating Biblical Values in Teaching Financial Management, p.89 • Dangana, Daniel M., Conveying Christian Values through Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), p.107 • Dondapati, Job , “Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land”: The challenge of Integrating Christian Values in Schools in a Non-Christian Environmentpp.127 • Du Plooy, Daniel R., Positive Psychology: An Adventist Evaluation, p.149 • p.169 • Kibirango, Moses M., Customer Relationship Management: A Christian Perspective, p.187 • Lea, Davenia, A Model Assessment Plan for the Nurturance and Measurement of FutureTeacher's Spiritual Dispositions, p.205 • Mafile’o, Tracie, Fostering Research in a Christian University: A Paradigm Shift for Adventist Higher Education in the South Pacific Islands, p.227 • Maguad, Ben A., Managing for Quality in Higher Education: A Biblical Perspective, p.245 • Nangoy, Stanley, Integrating Biblical Values into the Teaching of Human Resources Management (HRM), p.265 • Ng, Boon-Chai, Christian Ethics and the Christian Engineer: A Study of Responsibility, p.285 • Kennedy Nwangwa, Kanelechi C., The Integration of Selected Adventist Beliefs and Values in the Administration of an Adventist Secondary School, p.303 • Odunaike, Dorcas A., Biblical Insights into Legal Ethics, p.323 • Onyango, Dorothy, Conveying Christian Values through Diet: A case for vegetarians, p.343 • Perumal, John, A Christian Approach to the Environment: What Adventist Schools, Colleges, and Universities Can Do, p.363 • Guerra-Polancos, Jacqueline Demetillo, Biblical Implications for Nursing Theory, Research, and Practice, p.381 • Razafiarivony, Marie-Anne, Assessing and Nurturing an Organizational Adventist Culture that Conveys Christian Beliefs and Values in an Educational Institution, p.399 • So, WoiSook, The GRS Model: A Guide for Nursing Students to Be Effective in Providing Spiritual Care, p.419 • Soputra, David, The Role of Faculty in Nurturing and Mentoring Students in an Adventist Secondary School, p.441 • Tudu, Nola, Understanding Worldviews and Conveying Biblical Beliefs and Values in Teaching Sacred Literature of the World, p.461 • Troy, Carmelita, Case Studies in Accounting Fraud: What Would Jesus Do? Integrating Ethics and Values in Accounting Courses, p.479 • Beardsley, Lisa M., Integration of Faith and Values in Graduate and Professional Education, p.501 • Beardsley, Lisa M., Issues and Trends In Adventist Education Worldwide, p.519 • Chadwick, Arthur V., A Modern Framework for Earth Sciences in a Christian Context, p.543 • Fowler, John M., The Adventist World-View: A Ground to Stand, A Life to Live - I, p.555 • Fowler, John M., The Adventist World-View: A Ground to Stand, A Life to Live -II, p.561Publication: Silver Spring, MD : Institute for Christian Teaching, ©2016Description: xi, 568 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 26:37 / C56 (1).

Christ is all : leviticus / Leslie HardingePublication: Boise, Idaho : Review and Herald Publishing Association, ©1988Description: 127 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 222.1 / H25 (1).

Discipleship handbook : A resource for Seventh-day Adventist church membersDescription: x, 351 pagesAvailability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 286.3 / D63 (1).

Матеріали конференцій
Doctrine of the sanctuary : a historical survey (1845-1863) / editor, Frank B. HolbrookPiece-Analytic Level: Damsteegt, P. Gerard, I. Historical Background (Early Nineteenth Century), P. 1-16 • Damsteegt, P. Gerard, II. Among Sabbatarian Adventists (1845-1850), P. 17-55 • Damsteegt, P. Gerard, III. Continued Clarification (1850-1863) 57, P. 57-117 • Maxwell, C. Mervyn, IV The Investigative Judgment: Its Early Development 119, P. 119-157 • Baldwin, Dalton D., A. William Miller’s Use of the Word “Atonement”, P. 159-170 • Damsteegt, P. Gerard, B. Ellen G. White’s Use of Scripture to Explain the Sanctuary Doctrine, P. 171-196 • Wallenkampf, Arnold V., C. Challengers to the Doctrine of the Sanctuary, P. 197-216 • Sanctuary Review Committee, D. Statement on the Desmond Ford Document, P. 217-224 • Sanctuary Review Committee, E. Christ in the Heavenly Sanctuary (Consensus Document), P. 225-233Publication: Silver Spring, MD : Biblical Research Institute, General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, ©1989Description: viii, 238 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 224/ H75 (2).

Faith that works / Morris L. VendenPublication: Washington, D.C. : Review and Herald Pub. Association, ©1980Description: 375 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 244 / V38 (1).

Foundations of the Seventh-Day Adventist message and mission / P. Gerard DamsteegtPublication: Michigan : Andrews university press, ©1977Description: xv, 348 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 286.3 / D17 (1).

Glimpses into the life of Ellen White / Jim NixPublication: USA : Review and Herald, ©2016Description: 95 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 286.3 / G53 (1).

God's solution to man's dilemma : Romans / Herbert KieslerPublication: Washington, DC : Review and Herald Publishing Association, ©1990Description: 128 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 286.3.1 / K43 (1).

I will die free / Noble Alexander with Kay D. RizzoPublication: Boise, ID : Pacific Press, ©1991Description: 189 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 286.3 / N73 (1).

Love come home : Hosea, Philimon / Robert H. PiersonPublication: Washington, DC : Review and Herald Publishing Association, ©1987Description: 125 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 224 / P61 (1).

Love makes a way : walking with God from Eden to eternity : a daily devotional / Herbert Edgar DouglassPublication: Nampa, Idaho : Pacific Press Pub. Association, ©2007Description: 384 p. ; 24 cmAvailability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 244 / D77 (1).

Lutherans and Adventists in conversation : report and papers presented 1994-1998Publication: Silver Springs, Maryland : General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, Geneva : Lutheran World Federation, ©2000Description: 319 p.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 248(08) / L96 (1).

Myths in Adventism : An interpretive study of Ellen White, education, and related issues / George R. KnightPublication: Hagerstown, Md : Review and Herald, ©2009Description: 272 p. : ill.Availability: Items available for loan: Бібліотека Українського Гуманітарного ІнститутуCall number: 286.3 / K61 (1).


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